I am Victor Ayers, I completed my degree in 2000 and commenced my articles at Hart and Beyers Attorneys in East London. I ceded my articles to the well-established law firm Drake Flemmer and Orsmond of East London and completed my clerkship in 2002 after which I admitted to the roll of practicing attorneys. I have been practising as a Sole Practitioner since 2002 and moved to Cape Town in 2003 when I practiced in association with Du Preez van der Merwe Attorneys. I ran the litigation department and gained exposure to High Court Litigation during this time while overseeing the conveyancing department. I ran the debt collection department mangaging large volumes of files. In 2006 our focus of practice drifted apart when my Associate concentrated on developments and I shifted to commercial law.I have for the last ten years been working with a specialised internal audit team for various leading role players in the Construction and Manufacturing Industry and worked on keystone projects throughout South Africa and Sub Saharan Africa. The internal audit team takes a grass roots approach to business interogating all apsects of busines from pre tender phase, King IV recommendations on good practice of administriative funtions, Manufacturing and Costing including BOMS and vetting fincancial reports. This has provided me with an excellent understanding of the functioning of the business world giving me the skills to assist you in a holistic manner.My commercial exposure includes work in the following fields: Mining, IT, Construction, Manufacturing, Developments, Renewable Energies and Enviromental Law, Ownership Structures and Sale of Business and Service Agreements.I assist clients with al litigation needs and have a special interest in Family Law including Divorce, Custody and Maintenance.I have relocated to Port Elizabeth after 15 years of being based in Cape Town. On account of being admitted to Practice in both Jurisdictions I am able to assist with matters in both centres.